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Symposium des 3èmes Assises de la Sagesse
Sweet Springs, dans les Appalaches, Virginie Occidentale, U.S.A.
Vivre autrement dans un monde nouveau
Living differently in a new world
(En présentiel et par zoom)
3ème Session/ Dimanche, 17 juillet, 2022
Session de l’après-midi : 2pm-5pm / 20h-23h heure française
Un autre avenir est possible

Jeeva Abatte
'Le message du Lotus: La Vérité est Une, Les Chemins sont Nombreux'. Jeeva est le Directeur des Solutions Environmentales de Yogaville, Buckingham, Virginie, où Le Centre Lotus pour les Confessions du Monde a été fondé en 1996 par Sri Swami Satchidananda. Jeeva envisage les installations solaires comme des Autels au Soleil, source de toute vie, qui envoie ses rayons à qui veut bien les recevoir.
'The message of Lotus: Truth is One, Paths are Many'. Jeeva is the Director of Yogaville Environmental Solutions in Buckingham, VA where the LOTUS Center for World Faiths (LCAF) was founded in 1996 by Sri Swami Satchidananda. Jeeva envisions solar installations as ‘Altars to the Sun’, source of all life, sending its nourishing rays to whoever may receive them.
'The message of Lotus: Truth is One, Paths are Many'. Jeeva is the Director of Yogaville Environmental Solutions in Buckingham, VA where the LOTUS Center for World Faiths (LCAF) was founded in 1996 by Sri Swami Satchidananda. Jeeva envisions solar installations as ‘Altars to the Sun’, source of all life, sending its nourishing rays to whoever may receive them.

Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
‘L’Eveil de l’Esprit Lumineux’. Le Rinpoché a fondé Ligmincha International en 1992 à Chapman, Virginie. Une des plus anciennes traditions spirituelles du monde, le Bouddhism Bon est un chemin de sagesse qui a survécu grâce aux efforts de quelques lamas dévoués, dont Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
‘The Awakening of the Luminous Mind’. Rinpoche is the founder of Ligmincha International in 1992 located in Chapman, VA. One of the world's oldest spiritual traditions, Bon Buddhism is a path to wisdom that has survived thanks to the efforts of a few devoted lamas, one of whom is Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
‘The Awakening of the Luminous Mind’. Rinpoche is the founder of Ligmincha International in 1992 located in Chapman, VA. One of the world's oldest spiritual traditions, Bon Buddhism is a path to wisdom that has survived thanks to the efforts of a few devoted lamas, one of whom is Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.

Reverend WIlliam Barber II
‘Un Appel National pour la Renaissance Morale‘. Président et maître Conférencier des Réparateurs de la Brèche, Barber est aussi co-président de La Campagne des Pauvres, pasteur Protestant et activiste social. Il a obtenu son baccalauréat avec mention en sciences politiques de l’Université Central de la Caroline du Nord en 1985; une maîtrise en théologie de l'Université de Duke en 1989; et un doctorat en théologie de l'Université de Drew dans le New Jersey. Il est l’auteur de quatre livres fondateurs sur la nécessité de l’engagement. Son enseignement clé est celui-ci : “La dissidence morale a toujours été et reste encore notre vocation aujourd’hui."
'A National Call for Moral Revival'. President and Senior Lecturer of Repairers of the Breach, Co-Chair of The Poor People's Campaign, Barber is a Protestant minister and social activist. He received his bachelor's degree in political science from North Carolina Central University, cum laude in 1985; a Master of Divinity degree from Duke University in 1989; and a doctorate from Drew University in public policy and pastoral care. He is the author of 4 seminal books on such subjects as 'fusion politics', moral organizing and the new justice movement. One of his key teachings is: "Moral dissent has been, and still is, our calling today.
'A National Call for Moral Revival'. President and Senior Lecturer of Repairers of the Breach, Co-Chair of The Poor People's Campaign, Barber is a Protestant minister and social activist. He received his bachelor's degree in political science from North Carolina Central University, cum laude in 1985; a Master of Divinity degree from Duke University in 1989; and a doctorate from Drew University in public policy and pastoral care. He is the author of 4 seminal books on such subjects as 'fusion politics', moral organizing and the new justice movement. One of his key teachings is: "Moral dissent has been, and still is, our calling today.

Mekasi Horinek
'La Récolte des Graines de Résistance : remises depuis la nuit des temps aux générations suivantes’. Membre de la nation Ponca (l'une des cinq tribus de la région au nord-est du fleuve Mississippi), Mekasi est aussi un des Protecteurs d’Eau de Standing Rock, un rassemblement historique face au projet climaticide du ‘Dakota Access Pipeline’, un oléoduc traversant des terres indigènes Sioux, trop souvent sollicitées pour l’installation de raffineries et d’usines qui polluent l’environnement et provoquent des taux anormaux de cancer. Les ‘Protecteurs d’Eau’ ont campés dans des tipis pendant plus d’un an en priant et en chantant “Mni Wiconi - L’eau, c’est la Vie”. De Standing Rock a la Virginie Occidentale, Mekasi a traversé l’Amérique pour se tenir aux côtés des communautés locales qui oeuvrent aussi pour sauvegarder leur terre, eaux et heritage culturelle.
'Harvesting Seeds of Resistance for future generations'. Mekasi is a member of the Ponca Nation, one of five tribes living in the region northwest of the Mississippi River. He is also one of the Water Protectors of Standing Rock, an historically unprecedented gathering in resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline commissioned to transport crude oil through miles of Indigenous Sioux lands, too often targeted for refineries and factories that pollute the environment and cause abnormal rates of cancer. Garnering international attention, the Standing Rock Water Protectors camped out along the pipeline route in tipis for over a year praying and chanting “Mni Wiconi – Water is Life”. In 2016, Mekasi travelled across the country from Standing Rock to West Virginia to stand in solidarity with local communities working to protect their land, water and cultural heritage.
'Harvesting Seeds of Resistance for future generations'. Mekasi is a member of the Ponca Nation, one of five tribes living in the region northwest of the Mississippi River. He is also one of the Water Protectors of Standing Rock, an historically unprecedented gathering in resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline commissioned to transport crude oil through miles of Indigenous Sioux lands, too often targeted for refineries and factories that pollute the environment and cause abnormal rates of cancer. Garnering international attention, the Standing Rock Water Protectors camped out along the pipeline route in tipis for over a year praying and chanting “Mni Wiconi – Water is Life”. In 2016, Mekasi travelled across the country from Standing Rock to West Virginia to stand in solidarity with local communities working to protect their land, water and cultural heritage.

Dr. Elizabeth Kapu'uwailani Lindsey
‘Sauvegarder le patrimoine de l'humanité : La sagesse des aînés fait partie d'un récit collectif, de l'ADN de l'humanité, et nous ne pouvons pas nous permettre de le perdre ». Elizabeth est titulaire d'un doctorat en anthropologie culturelle. Elle a été élevée par ses aînés hawaïens et elle est la première femme à devenir boursier de la Société Géographique Nationale, où elle dirige des initiatives visant à préserver la culture polynésienne. Elle a vécu parmi les cultures les plus remarquables du monde pour être témoin de leur sagesse et leur maitrise. Sa quete Sa quête lui a fourni l'occasion d'apprendre de certains des plus grands enseignants de notre temps, y compris sa Sainteté, le Dalaï Lama.
‘Curating Humanity's Heritage: the wisdom of elders is part of a collective narrative, humanity’s DNA, and we can't afford to lose it'. Dr. Lindsey holds a doctorate in Cultural Anthropology. She was raised by her Hawaiian elders and is the first female to become a fellow at the National Geographic Society, where she spearheads initiatives to preserve Polynesian culture. She has lived among the world’s most remarkable cultures to bear witness to their wisdom and mastery. Her quest has given her the opportunity to learn from some of the greatest teachers of our time, including His Holiness, the Dalai Lama.
‘Curating Humanity's Heritage: the wisdom of elders is part of a collective narrative, humanity’s DNA, and we can't afford to lose it'. Dr. Lindsey holds a doctorate in Cultural Anthropology. She was raised by her Hawaiian elders and is the first female to become a fellow at the National Geographic Society, where she spearheads initiatives to preserve Polynesian culture. She has lived among the world’s most remarkable cultures to bear witness to their wisdom and mastery. Her quest has given her the opportunity to learn from some of the greatest teachers of our time, including His Holiness, the Dalai Lama.

Paula Mann
‘Un endroit appelé Monroe où la sagesse pratique a été transmise de génération en génération’. Paula est une Virginienne Occidentale de 8ième génération, éleveuse de chèvres biologiques et vidéographe chez Mountain Media Productions, une société crée pour documenter la résistance au Mountain Valley Pipeline et montrer les preuves de malfaisance dans son mode de fonctionnement. Elle abordera le sujet de comment et pourquoi la sagesse pratique a été perdue pour les générations récentes et l'impact de cette perte pour la vie.
‘A Place called Monroe, where the practical wisdom of observation was handed down from generation to generation’. Paula is an 8th generation West Virginian, organic goat farmer and videographer with Mountain Media Productions, a company created to document resistance to the Mountain Valley Pipeline and evidence of malfeasance in its mode of operation. She will be speaking about how and why practical wisdom has been lost to recent generations and the impact this loss has on Life.
‘A Place called Monroe, where the practical wisdom of observation was handed down from generation to generation’. Paula is an 8th generation West Virginian, organic goat farmer and videographer with Mountain Media Productions, a company created to document resistance to the Mountain Valley Pipeline and evidence of malfeasance in its mode of operation. She will be speaking about how and why practical wisdom has been lost to recent generations and the impact this loss has on Life.

Ashby Berkley
‘Bienvenue au Sweet Springs Resort Park: Un projet de dévelopment durable et restoration historique’. Ashby a été élevé au bord de la riviere Greenbrier a la fin de la deuxième guerre mondiale, par des parents qui avaient travaillé dans les charbonnages de la Virginie Occidentale. Il est diplômé en tant que Maitre Cuisinier de l’Institute Culinaire d’Amerique de l’Universite de New Haven, Connecticut et il est aussi co-fondateur de l’Association pour l’industrie de l’Acceuil et du Voyage. Il a enseigné l’Art de l’Acceuil dans plusieurs pays post-communiste et notamment en Ukraine. Il a restauré avec succès plusieurs sites historiques de la Virginie Occidentale y compris l'Hôtel de Pence Springs dont il était propriétaire au cours des années 90 et le Riverside Inn, un restaurant dans le style de l’époque Jamestown, célèbre pour sa qualité culinaire et son cadre colonial. En 2015, il a acheté le Sweet Springs Resort, un des lieux historiques les plus précieux de la Virginie de l’Ouest. Il est actuellement en cours de restauration à son ancienne gloire en tant que l'un des célèbres stations thermales des deux Virginies. Niché dans les contreforts des montagnes Appalaches, il abrite un majestueux hôtel en brique rouge avec des colonnes et des portiques grecs, conçu par Thomas Jefferson.
‘Welcome to the Sweet Springs Resort Park: A sustainable development and historical restoration project’. Ashby was raised along the banks of the Greenbrier River in Pence Springs at the end of World War II by parents who had worked in the coalfields of rural West Virginia. He graduated as a Master Chef from the Culinary Institute of America at the University of New Haven in Connecticut. He is the co-founder of the WV Hospitality and Travel Association and has taught the Art of Hospitality in a number of post-communist countries one of which was the Ukraine. Ashby has also successfully restored several historic sites in West Virginia including the Pence Springs Hotel which he owned and operated during the 90's, and the Riverside Inn - a Jamestown era restaurant, internationally famous for its culinary quality and colonial atmosphere. In 2015, he purchased the Sweet Springs Resort, one of WV's most treasured historic places. It is currently being restored to its former glory as one of the famous thermal spas of the two Virginias. Nestled in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, it is home to a majestic brick Hotel with Greek columns and porticoes, designed by Thomas Jefferson.
‘Welcome to the Sweet Springs Resort Park: A sustainable development and historical restoration project’. Ashby was raised along the banks of the Greenbrier River in Pence Springs at the end of World War II by parents who had worked in the coalfields of rural West Virginia. He graduated as a Master Chef from the Culinary Institute of America at the University of New Haven in Connecticut. He is the co-founder of the WV Hospitality and Travel Association and has taught the Art of Hospitality in a number of post-communist countries one of which was the Ukraine. Ashby has also successfully restored several historic sites in West Virginia including the Pence Springs Hotel which he owned and operated during the 90's, and the Riverside Inn - a Jamestown era restaurant, internationally famous for its culinary quality and colonial atmosphere. In 2015, he purchased the Sweet Springs Resort, one of WV's most treasured historic places. It is currently being restored to its former glory as one of the famous thermal spas of the two Virginias. Nestled in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, it is home to a majestic brick Hotel with Greek columns and porticoes, designed by Thomas Jefferson.
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